sailboat plans nz
You can peruse john's plans below--his unique boat designs new zealand, and great britain join the fun at the john welsford builders forum. Racingsparrow yacht design & free plans. the plans below are all free to download and use. be sure to print them accurately at 100% size to get the correct bulkhead. Here are links to all the free boat plans i could find on the internet. also be sure to check out my one sheet boat links as most of them are free plans..
Just for fun, but so much fun with her square topsail and her plans even include a cannon: navigator : a and supported by john welsford small craft design.. Sailboat plans and kits designed for the home boat builder. sailboats. for the home builder. glen-l 17 built by albert polisano. s ailboats embody the mystery of the. By john welsford loa 4.5m 14ft 9in beam 1.8m 5ft 10in photo album : plans - $295.00 (nz) i already have study plans - subtract $35: study plans - $35 [note: a.